Premal Sanghavi


Breast Health Center Serving the Los Angeles
Community for 8 years Serving since 2016.

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Surgical Procedures

The diagnosis of breast cancer is a life-changing experience. Not only does it bring you face to face with your mortality, but surgical…

Lumpectomy refers to a procedure that removes the tumor from the breast with a rim of normal tissue breast around it.

A mastectomy means the surgical removal of most of your breast tissue.

A sentinel lymph node is the first gland that filters fluid draining from the breast. Since the sentinel node is the first lymph node to filter lymphatic fluid from the breast…

Intraoperative radiation therapy for breast cancer can deliver a targeted radiation dose to a tumor bed during breast cancer surgery…

Oncoplastic breast surgery combines the principles of breast cancer and plastic surgery techniques.

With advances in modern medicine, it’s now possible to use predictive genetic testing to look for gene mutations…  

A breast biopsy checks for the presence of cancer, so it’s especially important that a highly skilled and experienced…

Combining a mastectomy and breast reconstruction can help you feel more like yourself again.

You may have heard of the numerous benefits of a 3D mammogram, including its ability to find smaller cancers…

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Brief Introduction

Premal Sanghavi, MD, FACS, is a board-certified, fellowship-trained oncoplastic breast surgeon practicing in downtown Los Angeles and Glendale, California. She completed her general surgery residency training from North Oakland Medical Centers/Wayne State University and breast surgery fellowship training in breast oncoplastic surgery at the University of Southern California in Los Angeles.

Dr. Sanghavi is a firm believer in patient-centered care. Her goal is to provide optimal patient care, minimizing the psychological and physical distress that’s caused when a woman is diagnosed with breast cancer.

Dr. Sanghavi’s scope of practice includes the treatment of both benign and malignant breast diseases. Surgeries performed include oncoplastic breast surgery, lumpectomy, mastectomy, intraoperative radiation therapy for breast cancer, sentinel lymph node biopsy, and excisional biopsies for benign lesions.

Comprehensive breast care is a unique, integrated approach to breast cancer.

Intraoperative radiation therapy for breast cancer can deliver a targeted radiation dose…

Oncoplastic breast surgery combines the principles of breast cancer and plastic surgery techniques.